How to create Social Media Pictures and Captions with creates unique-to-you social media content that uploads directly to your social media accounts. If you want to learn how to create, edit and schedule posts follow this quick guide or watch this tutorial video.

 Accessing the Content Calendar

 You can access the content calendar from your dashboard at

To locate the Content Calendar:

Expand the sidebar on the left-hand side.

Realtor AI social media that connects to facebook instagram linkedin tiktok twitter

 Select “Content Calendar” located underneath “Profile Questions”.

 Creating Your First Post

 To create pictures and captions for your content calendar follow these steps.

 Use the search bar next to the “Generate” button to type in a topic, or click “Suggest Topic” for AI-generated ideas.

Real estate social media ideas

Example: Typing “Starting my journey: A beginner’s guide to buying your first home in Dallas” will prompt the AI to create an informational post for first-time homebuyers in Dallas.

Next click the black “Generate” button at the top right of the screen.

Generate posts

A sidebar will appear with a mini content calendar, platform dropdown, and a section to edit your bio.

Content calendar


Select the days you want to post.

Next choose your platform to post on (Instagram, Facebook, X, LinkedIn, and blogs)

Post on facebook instagram linkedin X and blogs realtors AI

Finally click “Generate Content Calendar”.


If done successfully you will see a notification appear that your posts are being created. Depending on how many posts you make and how many days you select will determine your load time. If your posts have not loaded after 2 minutes, please refresh the page to correct.

Editing Posts allows you to edit and customize your picture and captions. Follow these steps to create custom one of a kind content that includes your branding, headshot and contact information.

Changing Backgrounds:

Click on a post for the day you want to edit.

Find posts on the content calendar

Find and select “Edit Template” at the bottom of the preview window.

How to edit templates on

Select background template or upload your own custom background image.

Change backgrounds on posts

uploading custom backgrounds to

Adjusting colors:

You can change the background and text colors after clicking “Edit Template” directly under the preview window.

Next locate and click on the “Colors” button

Adding custom colors to posts includes a range of preset color pallets to choose from. You can select a preset color pallet from this window.

Add custom colors and branding to social media canva real estate agents

Note: changing your color pallet will only effect posts you generate after the selection is made. Any posts already inside the content calendar will not be effected by changing the color pallet.

Save your changes by selecting “Save Changes”.

How to save changes to AI social media posts for realtors


Schedule and Approve: will not publish your posts unless you click “Schedule and Approve”

Schedule and approve posts on

Posts that have not been approved are designated with a red “Unscheduled” sticker. Any post that has this sticker will not be published. Posts that remain unscheduled after the creation date will be changed from “Unscheduled” to “Expired”.

See here for help with Expired Posts

You can find the schedule and approve button on the bottom right corner of each posts preview window. Tip: After clicking “schedule and approve” the red “Unscheduled” sticker will change to a green “Scheduled” sticker.

Schedule social media posts

Any post with a green scheduled sticker will publish on its respective date and time.


Deleting Posts

From the content calendar you can delete individual posts, delete all the posts created for a day or delete an entire month. Here’s how to perform each action:

Deleting individual posts

Find and click the post you would like to delete from the content calendar to bring up the preview window. From the preview window, find and click the trash icon in the bottom left corner. Click “Yes” on the popup to confirm your selection.

Delete posts from AI social media calendar

Deleting the whole day

From the content calendar find and select the “more options” button next to the date you wish to delete.

More option

From the more options menu click “Delete full day”. Click “Yes” on the popup to confirm.

Delete full day

Tip: Content that is showing a green “Scheduled” sticker cannot be deleted. To delete scheduled content first click the yellow “Unscheduled” bottom at the bottom right of the preview window.

Deleting the whole month

From the content calendar find and select “Clear Calendar” at the top right of the page.

Delete Social Media Calendar

On the popup click “Yes” to approve your selection.

 Need Help?

 Have questions about using the content calendar? We want to help!

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